While some schools have already gone back to face-to-face learning, some are postponing that option for another month, and some school districts have even decided to stay digital until 2021. Between March and May, all parents were thrown into the fire of online learning—whether they liked it or not. Depending on the occupation of the parents, many of them had the pleasure (or nightmare) of staying home to work remotely as their little angels worked happily, independently, and respectfully on their little laptops. Or not! 

When digital learning began in March, not many foresaw us still in the same situation when fall semester rolled around. But we are here; and we might as well make the most of it. 

While parents from all over figured out how to juggle being at work (at home) and being “teachers,” many struggled and lost a lot of sleep because of it. 

Some things to remember:

  • Not all kids learn the same way.
  • Some kids are in special education and need accommodations and modifications in order to learn.
  • No matter how great the Zoom sessions are, nothing can replicate a classroom and being face-to-face with a teacher.
  • Some kids have learning disorders, ADD/ADHD, physical disabilities, or behavioral disorders which require a lot of time and attention. 
  • While kids are at school they are not distracted by the television/video games, their backyard, or their siblings and pets. 

How in the world are parents supposed to work and assist their children with the learning process?

Here are some great tips from educational experts.

  • Keep a routine and stick with it! 

Click here for an example routine schedule for young students. 

Click here for a visual schedule for learning time. 

  • Use online timers to help your child keep track of their own schedule.
  • Take breaks with your child. After a certain timer goes off—go outside for 10 minutes with them, play with legos, or do something crafty. 
  • Take scheduled breaks from your own work so that you can go help your child with any schoolwork. If it’s on the schedule, they know to expect you and can have questions already in mind to ask. 
  • For younger kids, create an “invisible office wall” by putting painter’s tape down on the floor where your office area is. Create a double-sided sign and hang near your area that signals when important office hours/conference calls are ON or OFF. If ON, your child must leave you a memo (on a dry erase board or sticky note) about what their needs are and must not cross the painter’s tape. #boundaries 

For older kids—they can just text you! 

  • Give your child plenty of activities to do when they are not Zooming with their class or doing schoolwork. Some examples: arts and crafts, chores, take care of a pet, a science experiment, construct a 3D puzzle, read a new book or graphic novel, use a recipe to bake an easy dessert (if they are old enough), make a collage with magazines, or play with friends outside. 
  • Seek help from other parents or family without jobs. Perhaps a friend can watch your child one day a week and you can return the favor on the weekend. 

And the list can go on and on. 

The main thing to remember is that this situation isn’t easy for your child either. They want to socialize and be around actual human beings, and they want your attention as well. Go easy on them. Continue to be supportive even when they are driving you crazy.

And remember to relax on the weekends! You deserve some me-time, alone-time, spouse-time, or friend-time. 

Visit the CDC for info regarding Corona Virus.

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