Coronavirus aka Covid-19 has changed American lives forever, especially those living in the northeast in states like New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Today Monday July 20th, NYC got the green light to move their reopening process to “Phase 4”. What exactly does that mean for New Yorkers? Lets take a closer look.

Low risk areas such as public gardens,  zoos, and other outdoor entertainment will reopen. Sporting events are also set to reopen for the Mets and Yankees however fans may not attend. Media production such as photo shoots, movie sets, are allowed to double their capacity from 25% to 50%. If these productions are located outdoors there are no restrictions.

Here are  a few specific locations New Yorkers and tourists alike are familiar with that are reopening. The statue of liberty, Bronx Zoo, Empire State Building, The New York & Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, and Governors Island are some of the locations opening up this week to the public after months of being closed.

Unfortunately for many New Yorkers many indoor locations will remain closed as a safety measure to slow down the spread of Covid-19. Sister city Los Angeles saw a huge spike in reported cases as they eased restrictions very early and opened indoor facilities like gyms and indoor dining.

Indoor cultural institutions, The NY Aquarium, Malls, Gyms, and Movie Theaters will remain closed in New York.

The question on many parents, teachers and kids minds is will school reopen? Governor Cuomo is set to make this decision in early August. There is a large debate nationwide regarding school reopenings and safety. The city is entertaining the idea of a customized hybrid of in school and remote school program/curriculum.

Governor Cuomo who has a high approval rating said the following:

“I want all New Yorkers to be on high alert,” Governor Andrew Cuomo warned on Friday. “We are still in a precarious position, not because of anything we have done, but the negligence of the federal government and the states that listen to the federal government. I am very worried about the spread that we see across the country and the inevitability that the spread will be here. There will be a second wave. I would wager on it, but the question is how high is the wave?”

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