During a difficult time when the entire world is on edge, everyone is asking if they should wear a mask during the current COVID 19 outbreak. In recent days the US government has recommended that everyone keep their faces covered anytime they go out in public to help prevent the spread of the virus. With a vast array of options, it can be challenging to determine if they even help to keep the virus spread at bay. If anything, it provides comfort to those wearing them that they have an extra layer of protection when they have to venture outside for necessities or go to work. Thank goodness there are plenty of ways to cover your face without having to spend any money or leave your home. 

Cloth Masks

The CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings when they have to out in public for work or to get essential supplies when they don’t have other types of masks readily available to use at home. Cloth masks are said to be just as effective to help prevent the spread of disease as other types. They are a low-cost option, yet still, a great way to protect yourself and those around you. You should wash your mask frequency to avoid the spread of germs especially when you come home after being out in public. The best way to do that is by throwing your mask in the washing machine after every use. 

Bandanas and Other Make Shift Masks

If you aren’t able to make an actual clothe mask consider covering your face with a clean bandana, scarf, or another piece of cloth material that you have at home. Just be sure that it covers both your mouth and face and creates a sealed barrier so that you don’t chance to breathe in any germs or pollutants. 

N95 and Surgical Masks

The US government has asked that the general public leave N95 and surgical masks for health care professionals. With a massive shortage, there aren’t nearly enough, and they are essential or saving lives at hospitals and other medical offices. They have been proven to protect against specific pathogens and viruses and are desperately needed during the current pandemic. As they are both single-use masks, the hospitals are going through them very quickly, so they need as many as possible. 

During the COVID19 pandemic, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that a simple cloth covering over your face will help to protect you during this difficult time.

Contact Terratori today for all of your PPE face masks today!